Audio + Video

Opening Up: Lessons from a Speaker Shutdown
A controversial speaker came to Middlebury in 2017. Two years later, the national media story largely excludes student voices. In this episode, Middlebury College students describe what happened, the lessons they learned, and ideas about how to encourage honest dialogue on college campuses. Narrated by Sarah Stroup, Middlebury College professor. Edited and Produced by Brett Simison.

A Sense of Place
A 60 second social media advertisement spot created for the Clemmons Family Farm

Sea Change
Participants in Outward Bound come back with the tools to face new challenges in life. A film by Brett Simison for the Maine Media Workshops. Thanks to Bob Sacha, John McBride, Janny Olivier, John "Sockeye" Calogero, and Outward Bound Hurricane Island. Music by Alex Arcoleo.

Eye Witness
Fine Art Photographer Rosamond Purcell is a collector. This is an afternoon spent talking with her about her work while she photographed biological specimens at Middlebury College. Still photography, audio, and post-production by Brett Simison, music by Kevin MacLeod.